Silvaplana World Cup and New products 2024

Hello everyone, how are you?
When 3 years ago, we created Turtle Wing, we always been concentrated to make some of the best custom boards, with a lot of refinement, shape and design.
All without neglecting the true functionality of the board itself, in terms of shape, construction and weight.
In the last 5 months we have worked and sacrificed everything to have a Race Board that met the demands of Alessandro Tomasi. Alessandro worked so hard with training, testing. A lot of hours in the water and a lot of discussion regarding his board.
Last week after 3 years of hard work, our reward. 1st Place at 6* World Cup Silvaplana after 12 races always in the front of the fleets  with our Starbuster 70L . We are so happy that just after 3 years have our board at the top of the world cup, we are small reality with a lot of passion and dedication, and the results starting to show.

The Starbuster Race board has been released just less then a  month ago,  during the 3* World Cup Garda in Campione and it becames almost our best selling at the moment, for people that love to race and go fast.

We love to show you something more today,  our new complete Line for 2024. In fact from today, you can see our new website with all the boards, just visit

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