Our team riders get bigger!

Aloha everyone,
How are you guys doing?
Has been one month since our last Newsletter and we’d like to update you on what we are doing so far.
In the last 2 months we have been in Maui HI, where we had a chance to test and try so many different things and boards that give us a better vision, and the final touch of our line 2025.
A few prototypes have been tested and approved, some other ones have been modified and then approved.
We will really thank Maui Resin Designs board company for helping us at this time, it’s always nice to work with them.
Back to us, our Team Rider group gets bigger, few days back we announced Paolo Migliorini, join us with the Starbuster Race V3 board.
Today we are happy to announce that Bernd Roediger has joined us!
Super talent in Windsurfing , 1st PWA event entered JP Aloha Classic Wave 2013, incredible Surfer many victories in APP Tour!
Berned will ride a Carve Pro Mini V4 and he will be part of research and development regarding all the Freeride – Freestyle line and in the next future also for the Downwind boards line

I’m really excited to be working with Turtle Wing! It’s funny, Lake Garda was actually the first place I ever tried wind foiling, back in 2016. Feeling it first in Torbole really inspired the kind of riding I associate with wind-powered foiling: grace and glide, effortless mobility. When I first jumped on one of Andrea’s boards, I felt in many ways the same sensation from all those years ago in Torbole, peace and power, like my first flight all over again! And with Hot Wings Maui providing a range of beautiful and balanced wings, I feel the timing is perfect for take-off!!

In a few days we will be back in the workshop, and start all the pre – order list boards.
A really special Thanks goes to Jeff Henderson of Hot Sails Maui – Hot Wings  that help us in every single step, and for sharing the best place to test the boards.
That’s it for now
keep your eye in our instagram for the last updates or visit our website Turtlewing.com (https://turtlewing.com/)
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