Tag Archives: turtlewing

In the near future..

Hello Everyone, How you guys doing? In the last few weeks we had a kind of weird weather,  always with some wind, so we were able to test some  new boards.
We are working to refine the last final protos for 2025 models that looks so good and incredible, according with who already tested it and […]

A long, long time ago

Hello Everyone,
How you guys doing? Today, I would like to tell you a beautiful story of my youth.
 About 40 years ago, in 1984 my dad gave me a present: my first custom windsurfing board! 
For me it was one of the best boards I’ve ever had in those years, the design was one of […]

Back on track!

Hello everyone! How you guys doing? After returning to Torbole, we worked full speed to be able to produce and deliver some orders before the  Easter holidays. At the moment we are producing boards with delivery at the end of April, with no chance to get any other order sooner. If you are thinking to […]

What’s Next?

Hello everyone, how are you guys doing? What a fantastic season we had, full of satisfaction and positive feedback from our customer. Now that the winter season starts, we are almost ready to prepare some new things for next year. Actually, few of our team riders have already received some prototipes to test during the […]

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